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Infant & Toddler

6 weeks through 1 year olds
Intended Outcomes for Infants & Toddlers


The aim of the Center for Children is to spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively prepare children and their families for the coming years of formal schooling.


We strive to ensure children develop in these areas:


  • Acquire and refine the fundamental movements of balance, movement, touch and coordination enjoy rhythm and movement explore these fundamental movements through time, activities and equipment that is made available to them actively pursue gross motor activity

  • Acquire and develop fine motor skills become acquainted with and have time to use the appropriate equipment and materials that aid in this development

  • Learn to recognize that their body is created by God and takes special responsibility to care for it

  • Are provided a healthy environment

  • Are offered healthy food and activity choices



  • Are provided appropriate opportunities for learning activities, including the ability to explore and understand basic information about their world

  • Are provided opportunities to initiate exploration and enjoy the creative process

  • Explore and are provided the materials for this creative exploration

  • Are free to work with mediums that uniquely express the creative element for process art as is age and developmentally appropriate

  • Are offered opportunities to listen to songs and stories

  • Use imagination in dramatic center play as is age and developmentally appropriate

  • Are supported to learn creative solutions to problems that arise during play​

  • Numeracy: Be exposed to activities that encourage beginning understanding of quantity, sequencing and classification.

  • Are offered opportunities to begin to work with manipulatives to begin to develop spatial awareness

  • Language and Literacy: Infants and toddlers are provided opportunities to hear language (home language and second language if second language is English.)

  • have opportunities to look at books with text and illustrations, have opportunities to develop language through repetition, echoing and hearing open ended questions

  • Are provided early pre-literacy experiences.

  • have opportunities for tracking, have opportunities to learn left to right sequencing of objects, have opportunities to hear rhyming and rhythm, have access to books and are read to frequently


  • Value familial relationships and understand the importance of obeying parents and teachers. Enjoy strong caring relationships with teachers and other children.

  • Develop relationships with others of differing genders, races or abilities. This will benefit all from the inclusiveness of the emotional culture of the classroom, which celebrates the gifts and talents of all members.

  • Begin to learn the art of sharing- be supported by teachers in understanding concepts of ownership and sharing

  • Begin showing empathy and kindness- see empathy shown to family members & expressed to friends

  • Develop the use of language to express self - are encouraged to express both positive and negative emotions in non-verbal and verbal ways, as is age and developmentally appropriate; have opportunities to observe teachers who model this

  • Develop self-confidence through the relationship with a primary caregiver: be encouraged to try and gain competence through age appropriate activities have opportunities to practice new skills

  • Through the relationship with a primary caregiver: be supported in expressing and understanding emotions; be supported in learning to self-soothe; be supported in learning to wait short periods of time for needs to be met

  • Are comfortable being near other children- enjoy and participate in child-to-child and child-to-adult interactions 

  • Begin to exhibit self-control.


  • Understand that God is a loving God through the nurturing and loving relationship of the adults who care for them

  • Understand that the Bible is a special book through age appropriate books that they have an opportunity to explore

  • Hear prayer used to express others thoughts and needs to God with introduction to prayer as age and developmentally appropriate

  • Hear about God, Jesus and the Bible from others as part of being cared for and nurtured by the adults

  • Hear that God created the world 

  • Enjoy direct experiences with nature and hear that God wants each person to care for the world

  • Enjoy the process of moving from curiosity to satisfaction in a project because God delights in their work

  • Hear caring adults express acknowledgment of their efforts

  • Hear caring adults express positive attitudes about the infants and toddlers efforts

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